Sam Fuller- The Typewriter, The Rifle, and The Movie Camera

Written by Joe D on May 4th, 2009

Here’s a link to a supercool documentary on the late, great Samuel Fuller. I don’t know if this film is available to buy, so in the meantime check it out here. I just got a copy of Park Row, Fuller’s favorite film on early New York journalism and I’ll be writing about that soon.

2 Comments so far ↓

  1. May
    Jeff duncanson

    It’s been quite a while since i’ve seen this, but one line always stuck in my head (And I hope I’m remembering it correctly)…”If a screenplay doesn’t give you a hard-on in the first 50 pages, throw the goddamned thing away!”

    That could only have been uttered by Sam Fuller.

  2. May
    Joe D

    I think it’s in the first 10 pages. But whatever the number you’re right, it could only have been growled by Fuller.

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