MOMA Time Machine
Written by Joe D on September 5th, 2018SEE NYC in 1911. The Museum of Modern Art has transferred this footage shot in NYC in 1911 at the proper frame rate so people don’t run around like Keystone Kops on speed. They also added background sound, the result? It’s like taking a ride in a Time Machine, the people look and act like people(although dressed quite different) Check out the straw boaters a lot of men wear. The women’s clothes are pretty crazy too. It’s amazing to see these parts of NYC that are still there, like the Manhattan Bridge and my old neighborhood, 24th street and 5th across from Madison Square Park and the Flatiron building, The clock on the street is still there in front of what will be the Toy Center. Anyway travel back in time to where horses ruled the streets, marvel at the El Train and the crazy hats.
This is really amazing