Tony Munroe, Film Restorer, Optical Guru, R.I.P.

Written by Joe D on March 30th, 2011


Tony and Sue Monroe

Tony Munroe passed away this morning at the too young age of 47. He was a partner in the firm Triage Motion Picture Services. He and his company restored such films as The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly, Woman in The Window, A Fistfull of Dollars, All That Jazz, Sweet Smell Of Success, Flashdance, It’s A Gift, Once Upon A Time In The West, Duck You Sucker, Tom Jones, etc. etc. Too many to mention. I first met Tony back in 1991, I was editing a short film, Tony was working for an optical company. He had just learned about optical printing and this was his first film job. I heard about a custom Black and White Lab in the Valley called Cinetech, I hired them to handle the printing of the film. The owner met Tony and hired him to work at his lab. That’s where Tony learned the ins and outs of film restoration. A few years later he partnered up with Paul Rutan and they founded Triage. I helped them move into their HQ on Larchmont. Tony was a great writer, a guitar player, a wonderful guy that everyone will miss. My heartfelt condolences go out to his wife Sue, his son Calvin, his dad and everybody that knew him and loved him.