Inglorious Basterds Premier

Written by Joe D on August 14th, 2009

I went to the American Premier of Quentin Tarantino’s Inglorious Basterds the other night and a good time was had by all. While I was on line to get my tickets, out in front of Grauman’s Chinese Theater, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie pulled up and a roar went up from the crowd that made the Chinese dragon on the facade of the theater turn his head and look. It was crazy.


What was that!

The film was very well received. The audience laughed and applauded for Brad Pitt whenever he appeared. We added some music at the last minute and it really made a big difference. There are some scenes that stretch the tension like a rubber band, they go on for a while but are never boring, a tribute to Quentin’s writing and the great actors, especially Christoph Waltz.


Cristoph Waltz as Col. Hans Landa S.S.

I don’t want to give anything away but I will sy that Reel 9 is worth the price of admission by itself, when you see the film you’ll know what I’m referring to. Plus a great Hitler! Martin Wuttke is excellent. I talked with an actor from the film at the premier, his name is Richard Sammel, he plays Sgt. Werner Rachtman, a small but memorable role. He’s grilled by Brad Pitt, then dispatched by Eli Roth, aka The Bear Jew.


Richard Sammel

There is a direct quote in his scene from an episode of Combat called I Swear By Apollo,( directed by Robert Altman no less). He hadn’t heard of Combat but he said he would check it out. All you out there should as well and try to discover the bit used in I.B. Anyway I went to the after party at Mondrian, where I talked with effects guru John Dykstra, a great guy. Brad and Angelina were holding court in one corner and it really felt like a royal court of old with guards and all these people surrounding the two luminaries waiting for a word or a gesture. Real Medieval. Well after all is said and done go see it! I’m hoping it’s a big hit!

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